Your tagline here
Below are all of the cemeteries listed in the USGS for this county as well as some additional information about those cemeteries. If you do not see the cemetery linked to a page, I do not have any additional information.
Please note: Most of the County cemeteries are only partially transcribed. If you do not see your ancestors listed on the pages, you can submit the information for addition to that cemetery.
Add the cemetery names here. Go to the USGS page and click on "Search Domestic Names" and then add the state & county, then select the "Feature Class" of Cemetery. At the bottom of the results page is a statement that reads, "View & Print All." Click on it and you will see a page that has all of the cemeteries listed that you can copy! It will not automatically print.
I paste my copy in Excel (you could use Word) and then delete all of the columns that I do not want. After that, I copy the column(s) that I want and paste them into "Notepad." Notepad removes all formatting. Copy the selection from notepad and paste it into this section. That's it!
Now you have all of the cemeteries in the county! All you have to do is get the list of "occupants." (That's the hard part!)
We do our best to document all resources. If you find an error, please
let us know!
Thank you!