

State of South Carolina

Penelton District} Know all men by these presents, That I Thomas Hays of State and district affore said, do for and in consideration of the sum ten dollars, to me in hand paid by Richard Dean of said State and district affore said, have granted, bargained, sold and released, all that tract or parcel of land, Situated in pendleton Distrist waters of Savanah river, having such shapes marks, buttings and boundings as are Represented in a plat thereof, Containing one hundred and ninety nine acres, more or less, begining at a stake corner, Running N, 30, W, 73 chains, bounding on lands of James Harwin, he a stake corner, Running from thence S. 35 West 65 Chains to a large hickory corner, Runing from thence S. 12 E 70 Chains to a post oak Saplin corner, Runing from thence E. 26 Chains to a pine nut corner, Runing from thence 65 N.E. 20 Chains 50 links to the begining corner, unto the said Richard Dean, his heirs and assigns for ever, said land being granted unto Josiah prince and certified for the 13th day of October 1797 -- Recorded in Secretarys office in Grant Book No. 5 and page 206, Charles Pinckney Governor of said state -- and by these presents I do bind myself and each and every of my heirs and Executors for ever to warrant and defend said premises unto the said Richard Dean his heirs and assigns forever & by these pre[s]ents, I do Warrant and defend the above land against my self and every other person claiming the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand and seal this twelfth day of November one thousand Eight Hundred & thirteen.

Griffith Dean                                                                       his
James Kennedy                                                       Thomas X Hays (SEAL)

State of South Carolina
Pendleton District) Personally appeared Grifith Dean before me and made oath in due form of law that he did see Thomas Hays sign seal by making his mark and as his act and deed deliver the with in deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that James Kennedy was with himself a subscribing witness to the due execution of the same.

Sworn to and subscribed this 28th day of February 1817 before
John T. Lewis
C.C. & Q M Ex. off.                                                     Griffith Dean

Copied from Original Deed.      Recorded in Book N. Page 102.