<iframe src="http://view.atdmt.com/iaction/ancestrycom_non_secure_universal_v3/v3/atc1.-lib-TinyMce_2_1_0-blank_htm/" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" scrolling="No" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"></iframe> Funeral services for Humie H. Mayes, who was killed in an automobile accident near Hickman, Ky., on Saturday, Sept. 19, were held at their home on East Seventh street the following Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mr. Mayes was a man of excellent reputation and had many friends in this city, where he had lived for many years. He was a painter and interior decorator and had served as a fireman in the local department for the past twenty years, which department took an active part in the funeral service. Mr. Mayes was a member of the Methodist Church and lived up to it's teachings. He was a kindly disposed man in the home and was a splendid neighbor to his fellow man. The tribute paid to the life in the funeral sermon by Rev. W. L. Meyer, his pastor, brought out many fine traits of character in the deceased.
Interment was made later at Little Prairie cemetery. Bespeaking the esteem in which the deceased and his family are held a large display of flowers covered the grave.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Laura Hughes Mayes; three daughters, Mdmes. Dewey Ivey of Miami, Fla., Mrs. Reggie Young of Osceola, Ark., and Miss Juanita Mayes of this city, and two sons, Humie Mayes, Jr., of Boston, Mass., and Paul Robert of this city. Also he is survived by a sister, Mrs. R. M. Hatcher of Orlando, Fla.; Hume H. Marshall, an uncle, of Marston; Mrs. Tom Russell, an aunt, of Texarkana, Texas, and numerous other relatives. A large number of out-of-town relatives of both his own and his wife's family were in attendance at the funeral.
Democrat Argus - Caruthersville, Mo. - Friday, October 2, 1936

Mother: Martha A. Goodrich (Dec. 23, 1848- March 22,1932)Born at Troy, Tenn. died at Orlando, Fla., living with daughter Florence Hatcher at the time of her death in Florida, moved to Florida about 1914. (Interment unknown)