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In Search of Family

The Chosen

We are the chosen. In each family there is one who seems called to find the ancestors. To put flesh on their bones and make them live again. To tell the family story and to feel that somehow they know and approve. Doing genealogy is not a cold gathering of facts but, instead, breathing life into all who have gone before. We are the story tellers of the tribe. All tribes have one. We have been called, as it were, by our genes. Those who have gone before cry out to us: Tell our story. So, we do. In finding them, we somehow find ourselves. How many graves have I stood before now and cried? I have lost count. How many times have I told the ancestors, "You have a wonderful family; you would be proud of us.". How many times have I walked up to a grave and felt somehow there was love there for me? I cannot say. It goes beyond just documenting facts. It goes to who I am, and why I do the things I do.

Our Families

Our Ancestors were Adventurers
Robert D. Robbins
Image 1

Robert D. Robbins

Born 1862

Had 5 children: Susan, John, Steve, Frank, Lilly

Chester Turner
Image 2

Charlotte Turner

Immigrated from Ireland

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Christopher Martin
Image 3

Christopher Martin


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Susanne & Julia
Image 4

Cyrus & Belinda Mathew


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We Love Genealogy.

This template has a matching TNG template. See our catalog! If you are using this for a personal genealogy site, you would add your name and a little bit about your ancestors.

You will use your text here. Donec neque urna, ultrices et sagittis sit amet, cursus ut quam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas velit tellus, iaculis sit amet faucibus sit amet, imperdiet quis lacus. Nulla turpis nulla, aliquam at eleifend sed, viverra ac massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Herman John Franklin

Herman John Franklin is the father of Robert "Bobby" Franklin. "Bobby" was adopted by his mother's new husband when he was approximately six years old.

Enjoy the Humor
Fredrick P. Valley

your image"Fred" is the grandfather of Robert "Bobby" Franklin. His parents were Reuben E. Valley and Sarah Ann Trucker.

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